3D Printed Pen Holder for Journal
I started Bullet Journaling last November, and to my surprise it’s really stuck! I’ve tried lots of different organization systems, and none have really resonated with my brain like this has. A few years ago, I read “Getting Things Done”, and while I really liked David Allen’s organization ideas, I just couldn’t get it to implementation. After reading Ryder Carroll’s “The Bullet Journal Method”, I found myself visualizing the parts I loved about GTD implemented in my own Bullet Journal. I can now say, after a few months, I am absolutely hooked. I now have a journal that is always with me, and I’m feeling much less stress. Before BuJo, I experienced anxiety and frustration over forgetting important things. Now, when the thought enters my head, I write it in my daily journal page and I can immediately get back to what I’m doing without losing my train of thought. It’s wonderful!
So this brings me to the subject of this post. Here’s a shot of my journal:
The Paperage journal I found on Amazon doesn’t have a good place to hold a pen.
I can’t just use any pen either. I have to use my favorite pen. Everyone has their
favorite model pen, right? Mine is the Papermate InkJoy gel 0.7. All other pens
are inferior. Fight me! ;-)
I can’t journal without my favorite pen, so my pen needs to be with my journal,
all the time. But how to keep them together securely? I thought about designing
something in TinkerCad, but thought I’d check Thingiverse first. Well, I was
delightfully rewarded with this simple yet brilliant design.
About 15 minutes later I had my pen clip printed and it works perfectly.